We want to be anonymous. We do not use 'I' or 'me', but rather address ourselves as 'us' and 'we'. Who we are and how many is uncertain - important is: We act as one!
"Term7 can help you to defend yourself online! Reclaim your online privacy now, with Tor and VPN services you can trust. Circumvent censorship. Block ads and other malicious content. Free your Android from Google and install your own private cloud. Use FOSS (free and open-source software) & stop services that harvest your data. Only you should be in control! Delete your digital traces and minimize your online footprint. Learn to use encrypted communications via XMPP & Matrix. Use Mastodon as an alternative social media platform. Setup unbreakable encryption for your email via PGP, block unwanted emails and secure your passwords. Make use of anonymous payment solutions powered by Cryptocurrencies and Smart Contracts & secure your funds."
Anonymous Digital Clairvoyant, now.here, November 2021
... about this site
This website is hosted on a server paid for with XMR (Monero). Both the server and domain were registered without using any email address that can be easily traced back to a particular individual. Needless to say - we also use Tor.
As you might already know, there are many brilliant people working hard to develop tools and platforms that resist surveillance capitalism. We want to encourage everyone to explore and use these tools, because we believe it's essential to adopt FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) instead of proprietary software that harvests - and often sells - our personal data to third parties. Encrypting as much of our online communication as possible is another key step. How else can we begin to reclaim some control over our digital lives?
That said, when we talk to friends, especially artists and designers, we often find it hard to convince them to switch. Convenience tends to win. Most still use macOS in its default, out-of-the-box configuration because it “just works,” while the idea of switching to Linux feels overwhelming. That’s why we started developing tutorials and writing simple scripts: to help make these tools more accessible, particularly for creatives. Hopefully, our efforts will make it easier for others to learn, adapt, and maybe even transition to Linux eventually.
We're self-taught, and we come from an art background: so our perspective is creative, not strictly technical. This space is a kind of tech-diary, a living archive of guides, tutorials, scripts, snippets, and experiments from the intersection of art and technology.
... specific content, delivered directly to you
You’re always welcome to reach out with specific questions. For now, we offer our support directly to people we genuinely want to assist: mainly friends, artists, and other creative professionals. But hey, you could be one of them too…
We’re here and happy to respond - don’t hesitate to ask!
Oh, and before we forget: to better protect your privacy, you can also access this website via the Darknet, as a hidden Tor v3 Onion Service. Just open the Tor Browser and visit the following link: